
There are many claims about air purifiers as to which ones are the best and which ones actually do what they claim. In order for an air purifier to do its job, it must be able to trap particles in the air that are bad for us to breathe and eliminate them. Is an air ion purifier positive or negative$%: This article will investigate how an air ion purifier works and as to whether it does what it claims to do.

Before we can know how an air ion purifier works, we must first learn what an ion is. An ion is best described as a small charge of static electricity that can be positive or negative by nature and is found in the air we breathe. It can be good or bad depending on the amount of positive or negative charge it carries. High levels of positive ions can cause depression, migraines and asthma. High negative charged ions are calming and soothing. Just before a lightning storm, the air is heavily charged with positive ions and afterwards, it is highly charged with negative ions. An air ion purifier is designed to put more negative ions into the air causing the positive ones to go somewhere. The problem may be that instead of going into the filter, they can cling to anything including the walls, windows, or clothing. They are not floating in the air, but just waiting to be free to float through the air again. The air ion purifier has prevented the bad ions from floating in the air, but not destroyed them.

If you have an allergy problem, then the dirt or dust that was once floating in the air is no longer floating for you to breathe, but any change can stir them up again. Before purchasing an air ion purifier, know all the facts. They are useful in many cases as farmers are using them in chicken coops to alleviate dust problems, and our government is using an air ion purifier in submarines. You just need to know what you want to use one for, and the best air ion purifier to purchase.

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